Even if you believe yourself to be a typically happy person, there will always be days when you need a little pick-me-up to keep your vibration up. It's a natural element of being human.
I was inspired to create this blog after recently going through a challenging scenario. Can you even perform magic when you're that depressed? The answer to the latter question is, of course, yes!
When we wish to feel better as witches, we have a plethora of materials at our disposal. Nature, altars, magical tools, and rituals can all improve our personal life. We have the power of the cosmos at our fingertips thanks to magic. While there is no simple cure for the blues, witches enjoy an advantage over non-witches. Witchcraft provides us with a realistic strategy for reclaiming our power and boosting our vibration.
I'd also like to provide a disclaimer here. The spells in this article are intended to improve your mood. The goal of this type of magic is to bring some joy back into your life while also providing practical strategies to reclaim your power. If you are suffering from serious melancholy or mental disease, this magic is NOT a substitute for medical care. Feel free to try any of these spells, but always seek professional assistance!
So, if you're ready to turn that witchy scowl upside down, get your magical tools ready! Here are five spells that will help you raise your vibration.
1.Change Your Clothes
When anything happens during the day to lower your vibration, cast this magic for a rapid mood boost. Before you do anything, take a minute to feel the full force of your emotions. Cry, yell, make fists—do whatever it takes to shake off the heavy energy inside of you. Then, one piece at a time, remove your clothing. As you do this, envision stripping the negativity from your body and replacing it with fresh, neutral energy.
Place your clothing on the ground and examine them. Consider your negative energy settling into your old clothes. You can visualize the energy in whatever way you like. I imagine it as dazzling black glitter. Roll your shoulders back and stand up as straight as possible now that you've expelled the bad energy. What are your thoughts? Lighter? Feeling a little better? Examine your body, thoughts, and emotions. Be honest with yourself and accept whatever you're feeling right now.
Then gather the outfit you're about to put on. Carry it in your arms. Visualize a stream of sparkling gold or silver energy falling from the sky and covering you and your clothes. Put on the costume and know that you've cleaned the day of all negativity. You have a new beginning and are surrounded by great energy.
If you are unable to change your clothes because you are not at home, keep a pair of socks in your handbag, car, or office drawer. Perform the ritual, but visualize all of the negative energy resting in your socks before removing them. Consider the good energy that will envelop you as you put on your new socks.
My Energy Work workshops are a terrific place to start if you're new to this type of energy work. Energy work does not have to be this enigmatic, mysterious secret!
This course is a step-by-step introduction to energy work that will establish the groundwork for many of the witchcraft methods you will use. You do not need any prior knowledge to attend this course; we will start from scratch and build your skills from there. There will be many exercises to assist you in gradually developing your talent with energy work so that by the end of this class, you will be able to use this crucial method in your life and magic.
2. Musical Messages
Take a bath or go for a walk to complete this ritual. It makes no difference what you do as long as it is contemplative and enjoyable. Close your eyes for a moment and connect to your source of power. This could be your higher power, deities, or spirit guides. Request that your source of power sends you a message of encouragement and support through music.
Choose an unusual peppy playlist and listen to it on shuffle mode. Spotify and Pandora have excellent playlist possibilities, so utilize whichever music platform you choose. Set the intention for your source of power to communicate with you via the music you've chosen.
During this ceremony, keep a journal or something to take notes on nearby. Take notes on any thoughts or emotions that arise while listening to the playlist. The message your source of strength is delivering may become evident to you instantly, or it may take a little longer. Just know that your message is on its way, and it will be exactly what you need to hear.
Bird Feeder
When you're feeling low, it can be good to shift your focus away from your sorrow and to helping someone or something else. Install a bird feeder outside your home and fill it with birdseed to cast this spell. Take a seat near the bird feeder and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature. Open your eyes and take in as much as you can. Watch, listen, inhale the aromas in the air, and run your fingers across the various textures.
Consider the birds in your neighborhood flying to your bird feeder and perching on the ledge to eat the seeds. While you're meditating, some birds may land on your bird feeder. Consider how it feels to be connected to the birds in this way. How does it feel to slow down and listen to nature's soothing lullaby?Know that people will assist you in the same way that you have assisted the birds. Your work as a witch connects you to nature in a unique way. It will look after you as much as you will look after it. Your act of kindness, no matter how tiny, will have an impact on the world.Feel free to keep a journal about your experience. Sit by your bird feeder and meditate whenever you wish to improve your energy.
Walking Happiness
When you're feeling depressed, another approach to improve your energy is to produce something beautiful. Take a stroll along your favorite nature trail. You should bring a small bag with you. Look around you for things that make you joyful while you walk. This might be anything that you find lovely, distinctive, or soothing. Look for unusual leaves, pebbles, flowers, feathers, or bark bits.
Take note: Make sure you are aware of the legislation in your area. Picking flowers or removing plants from particular areas is prohibited. If you reside in an area where it is illegal to collect natural objects, go to your local craft store. Feathers, crystal beads, and other natural things are available at many craft and hobby stores for use in this spell.
Light a tea light anointed with orange essential oil once you've gathered all of your things. Make a piece of art with the items you collected on your walk while the candle burns. Arrange your natural pieces on a sheet of paper or cardstock and secure them with glue. Work on your work with the goal of creating something truly "you" and attractive. Your spell is complete when your tea light burns out. Place your artwork on a window sill or on your altar and smile every time you see it. Allow your artwork to lift your mood for as long as you have it on display.
Cry It Out
Go to bed when you're feeling really depressed. What does it matter if it's the middle of the day? This practice serves as a reset button for your day. Set a timer for 20 minutes. Pull the blankets over your head and go into bed. Allow yourself to cry as much as you want. Don't be concerned about others hearing you; just go for it. Continue for the entire twenty minutes. Get out of bed and light your favorite purifying incense when you feel like you've got it all out of your system. Cedar or patchouli incense is my go-to smoke cleansing incense. Allow the smoke to get rid of any leftover negativity that you just dumped into your bed by walking around it. Make your bed last. This move shows that you've dealt with your pain and are going on. Smooth down the covers and sheets like you're wiping tears from a child's face as you make your bed. Be gentle and caring. You've finally let go of your negativity and are ready to face the day with a clean slate and an open heart.
It's Okay to Be Depressed
Did I mention that it's also okay to be sad? Yes, this post is all about raising your vibration and eliminating negativity, but there are moments when you simply need to sit with your feelings. That's OK. Respect that inside yourself. Witchcraft will ALWAYS be available to you when you require it. You don't have to grin every time you go to your altar. You can be powerful even if you are sad, angry, rejected, or lonely. If you live a complete life with an open heart, you will undoubtedly experience some negativity. The goal is to recognize the suffering, accept it, and let it go. Witchcraft will find you no matter where you are.