Spirits/Angels Guide Spells/Ritual
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Spirits/Angels Guide Spells
If you want to connect with your spirit guide and find out what your spirit guide looks like, this is the place to be! This article will be a simple step-by-step guide to understanding what your spirit guide looks like and what you can do to reveal and welcome it into your life. Let's get this party started.
Who is your spirit guide?
Your guides are compassionate and wise. They are here to help you. Connecting with them is a reassuring and enjoyable experience. These guides are only here to provide you with love and light. There are many entities in this realm, but our spirit guides are concerned with providing us with guidance, affection, faith, light, and love.
My grandmother is my spirit guide. When something bad is about to happen, I often dream of her as a reminder to stay strong, that there is always a calm after the storm, and that I can do it. I use a picture of her for special support when I dream of her, and it makes me feel so much better.
How we experience our spirit guides?
You can do this in a variety of ways, and I truly believe you can tell when your true spirit guide is nearby. You feel connected, safe, guided, and completely in tune with your life path, with confidence and deep trust in your past, present, and future. Learning to connect with your spirit guides entails learning to trust the voice of love.
These guides are here to constantly connect and transmute your thoughts from fear to faith, forgiveness, love, and light. People frequently ask me if a spirit guide can be mistaken for a demon. I don't think so because these two entities come from very different places and energies: spirit guides are entities of light, while demons are entities of darkness.
What does my spirit guide look like?
Your spirit guide could take on many different forms, as many different entities are classified as “spirit guides.” Let's make an attempt at categorization:
A spiritual being that is not human and communicates with the angels of the higher hierarchies as well as the Divinity. Their task, and the reason for their existence, is to protect the person and keep him from becoming lost in his evolution or transgressing universal laws. Angels have never lived in human flesh; they are pure light with no gender.
They work with societies: families, workplaces, and healing or psychic development circles. This guide usually appears when a group of people meets on a regular basis for the same purpose: mediumistic circles, meditation groups, covenants, and so on.
The tutelary guiding spirit is with the person from birth to death, or even for a longer period of time.
They are present for a brief period of time—short or long—or for the rest of his life, alongside the tutelary personal guiding spirit and the guardian angel of his choice and affinity. At other times, however, they are only present to perform specific tasks.
They are those guide spirits who specialize in certain activities, such as healing, clairvoyance, and protection, and who make themselves available to people.
They, for example, inspire ideas and knowledge to solve problems, assist in channeling energy and developing the qualities required to do a job, carry messages, and ensure that intruding spirits and negative energies do not create obstacles or attack the person.
Artists, pranotherapists, witches, spiritualists, and others are common companions.
They are entities that are connected to the natural world and derive power from it. Their appearance emphasizes the energy level separation that exists between them. Their teaching is to recognize the sacred and divine in the earthly world; to discover and accept our place in the world and the universe because we are a part of nature and its cycles.
They assist us in living an earthly existence by locating everything we require to face incarnation without harming the planet or its inhabitants, such as natural cures with herbs, crystals, breathing, and ancestral traditions. They are the masters' memories, the instinctive wisdom dormant within each of us.
They use their animal form to indicate their specialty (e.g., strength, loyalty, ability to care, clairvoyance, etc.) while avoiding anthropomorphism: they are guide spirits, not ghosts of dead people.
Is it possible to find out what or who is our spirit guide?
Absolutely! There are some practices you can try to discover who your guide is, connect with it, and finally honor it with some presence on your altar, a ritual, or simply having a figure or a picture of this guide with you for special support.
When you think about it, it makes more sense to pray to something you can visualize, doesn't it? That is why this process of becoming aware is so critical.
Ways to learn what your spirit guide looks like
This is my preferred method of communicating with my spirit guides. I understand that this may appear to be a bit complex and difficult for someone who is new to the practice of meditation, but trust me when I say that with the right approach and the right tools, it is very effective and useful!
During meditation, I met with my spirit guides! I frequently used guided meditations, especially at the start of my journey, and it was fantastic. Here's a helpful link to listen to if you want to start meditating and figure out what your spirit guide looks like.
Dreams are yet another wonderful vehicle for revealing your inner self, spirit, and, of course, connecting with spirit guides. To notice recurring patterns or elements in your dreams, you must pay close attention to them and do things like journal about them.
You should write everything down first thing in the morning and see if you can figure out who or what is attempting to contact you.
If you believe a loved one who has passed away is your spirit guide, try asking them, "Are you my spirit guide?" Come to my vision. Display your abilities. I am ready and willing to follow your advice.” See if you have any dreams about this person and how you feel about it!
A walk in nature
Try going for a walk in nature if you have a strong connection to nature and natural elements seem to resonate with you. Check to see if any animals appear or if you are drawn to some energy or a flower, tree, or even a location.
A spirit guide can also serve as an elemental guide! Simply listen to your intuition and connect with the world around you and within yourself!
Does your Spirit Leave when you Sleep?
Is it really possible to "get out" of one's physical body, to separate one's consciousness from the body, or is it just a sensation brought on by a specific mental state, a "lucid dream"? Is it true that your spirit departs when you sleep?
These are some of the most frequently asked questions about sleep and the dream realm, but what is the truth behind them?
Does your spirit leave when you sleep?
Yes. Some people have the sensation of their spirit leaving them and floating outside their physical body, and, at times, of perceiving their body's presence from a point outside it, as if the consciousness were projected beyond body boundaries.
What is an OBE?
Throughout history, there have been numerous written testimonies of people who have had out-of-body experiences, which are defined as events in which the person sees himself from an external perspective, as if he were looking at someone else, and thus go far beyond the simple sensation of being outside your body.
OBE has always been considered a medical mystery, and as more and more patients began to report such experiences, the scientific community began to take the phenomenon seriously, dedicating numerous studies to it.
Scientific explanations of the OBE
Because I'm interested in this topic, I did some research on it, and this is what I discovered. In 2007, Scientific American, one of the oldest and most prestigious popular science journals, published a report on a study in which neuroscientists used a virtual reality video camera and glasses to induce a sensation described as an out-of-body experience by the majority of the subjects tested.
Three Belgian neuroscientists published an article on out-of-body experiences in 2009, emphasizing the link between OBE and temporoparietal cortex activity, reinforcing the theory that the cause of this type of experience is physical and located somewhere within the brain itself.
Out-of-body experiences are also linked to sleep paralysis and circadian rhythms, according to another traditional biological explanation.
Numerous sleep studies show that people experience an intermediate stage of sleep between wakefulness and REM sleep, during which the REM system causes paralysis. In some people, a malfunctioning REM system can cause this paralysis while the person is still awake, causing sensations of fluctuation outside the body in conjunction with vivid dreams.
Although various scientific studies have discovered various biological explanations for the phenomenon of out-of-body experiences, it remains a mystery as to how subjects who try these experiences are able to describe, with minute details, places or events they witnessed during their OBEs but which they have never seen in "physical reality."
Spiritual practices related to out-of-body experiences
Beyond science, there are numerous religions and meditation practices around the world that have linked OBEs to spiritual causes over the centuries. Hinduism, for example, accepts the concept of astral projection and spiritual travel outside the body as a result of deep meditation.
Many pagan religions believe that the spirit can be induced to separate from the body and explore the world on the astral plane.
Many New Age philosophers believe that the ability to travel to the astral spiritual realm is a natural human gift that should be nurtured and developed through deep meditation.
All of these beliefs are linked by the belief that the OBE phenomenon is caused by an altered state of consciousness in which one can exist and travel in a spiritual form even when the body is not dead.
OBE during near-death experiences
Out-of-body experiences are frequently linked to the broader phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDE). These are profound psychological experiences, as reported by one-third of those who have been on the verge of death.
People have described sensations that are very similar to out-of-body experiences in all of these cases: a state of profound well-being, the impression of separating from the body, traveling to a tunnel of light, interacting with spiritual entities, and, finally, a sense of deep stillness.
Does it happen to everyone?
No. Some people are more sensitive and open to becoming aware of this experience than others.
How to manage an out-of-body experience?
Regardless of the true cause of an OBE, this type of experience is described as a very powerful physical, emotional, and often spiritual experience. Although it can be a negative experience for those who are too weak or highly conditioned, most people who have had an out-of-body experience describe it as a positive and uplifting event.
When we sleep through our dreams, we often catch a glimpse of our spirit leaving.
But how do we manage our dreams and determine whether they are truly present to manifest our OBE? Here are a few techniques for connecting with our dreams and becoming aware of when our spirits leave us when we sleep.
Pen and paper on the bedside table
Practical and useful advice is to take notes as soon as you wake up, instinctively noting everything you remember about the experience. Alternatively, you can use a voice recorder, such as that found on a mobile phone, to verbally recount the dream experience. It might be interesting to compare all of the notes later, trying to identify common traits, recurring dreams, and situations that reoccur in dreams night after night.
During this stage, keep in mind that writing down your dream is not for the purpose of making sense of it for others, but rather to help yourself remember. Only write about what you truly desired, no matter how irrational it may appear. The deepest meanings of dreams can sometimes be found in the most twisted and inexplicable aspects.
Sweet Awakening
If at all possible, try to wake up in the sweetest and most natural way possible, without trauma or hasty movements that would displace anxieties and attention on having to hurry to work and would constrain all efforts in this perspective, erasing the memory of the dream you just had. Many people claim that waking up slowly and gently, especially without invasive alarms, helps them remember their dreams better.
The Post-it technique
Place a Post-it Note with the words "What did you dream about?" in large letters on your bedside table or alarm clock so that it is the first thing you see when you open your eyes.
Adjust the sleep cycle
Going to bed early enough to ensure a sufficient length and consistency of sleep can be a valuable aid in preparing us for the dream and the possibility of remembering it the next morning. A disturbed, too short, or restless sleep exhausts us and makes it difficult to reflect on what we dreamed, as well as being an impediment to the dream itself. People who sleep for less than six hours frequently have difficulty remembering their dreams.
Consider the experience and dream you had before getting out of bed. Before getting out of bed, try to spend a few minutes concentrating on what you dreamed of. In general, we only remember the last dream we had before waking up.
Take advantage of nocturnal awakenings
Because only the most recent dream is remembered in chronological order, you can benefit from nocturnal awakenings. It's not uncommon to wake up in the middle of the night after having a particularly vivid dream.
As a result, you could take advantage of the opportunity to write a note and thus remember it the next morning. This advice is only for those who have no trouble falling asleep again.
If this is not the case, it is best to avoid it and try to sleep continuously.
Keep a dream journal
Try to elaborate more detailed writing that traces as many elements of the dream as possible, in an orderly and systematic manner, on the basis of quick notes taken immediately after waking up: basic plot, characters, places, emotions, dialogues, and so on.
If you recall some dialogue, write it down right away because the words are easily forgotten.
And when you just can’t remember anything …
If you can't remember anything about your night, try writing down the first thing that comes to mind after waking up, as even a single word can trigger memories. Alternatively, you can try to write down your feelings; often, a dream will leave you with an emotion, whether positive or negative.
The emotions that occur in a dream usually persist, even if only for a short time, so if you wake up elated or depressed, it's a good idea to start asking yourself questions.