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Spell check is a pretty important tool, but there are times when you don't want it to mark certain words. This video will show Technological prowess how to take control of the spell checker. First of all, this company's name is marked as a misspelt word. The red underline means that. But it's not really misspelt. The computer just doesn't understand that term. You can fix this by right-clicking on the word, going to the spelling menu, and selecting "Add to dictionary." It used to be marked as a spelling mistake, but now it's not. And Word will always remember it the next time I type it. But let's look at that dictionary in more depth. We'll go behind the scenes to do that. So I'll click file in the upper left corner. We'll go to Options at the bottom, then to Proofing, and then I'll choose Custom Spellings. And here you'll find a word file or files.

Custom spell


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