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Someone puts a curse on you when they use magic against you. There are ways to avoid being cursed or to "break" a curse that has already been put on you. Here are some ways to do it.
Most people think that curses are something from the past or something that only happens in fairy tales, but curses are real and can still affect our lives today.


A curse is really just a specific wish for your bad luck that someone else has for you. Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, and superstitions in the Pennsylvania Dutch, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern cultures are all modern spiritual movements that might use curses. People from all walks of life believe in curses, from Christians who take the Bible literally to sports fans who just like to watch games.


How do I know if a curse has been put on me?

You can do a simple ritual with a deck of cards to find out if you are cursed. Take the Jacks out of the deck and shuffle carefully while asking yourself, "Am I cursed?
When the deck is shuffled, put it face down and pull cards from it until you get to an ace or there are only 10 cards left, then leave that pile face up. Do this two more times, so that you end up with three piles of cards with their faces up.

You are not cursed if you didn't get any aces in your face-up piles. But if you have an ace showing, it means you are cursed one-third of the time. If you have three aces facing up, that means someone has put a curse on you.

You won't find out who cursed you, but at least you can do something about it now.


How to break a curse.

To get rid of (reverse) a curse, you need to know how to remove a curse and how to break a curse.

If you want to learn more about witchcraft, you can talk to people who know more than you do and read books about how to protect yourself in the future and get rid of any curses that are already on you.

If you don't want to get too involved and just want this one curse to go away, there is a simple ritual for that, too. No need to believe in magic.

Simple curse breaker


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